Detail Clarification of Mantra Meditation

Many people have misconceptions and doubts about mantra. Many people aren't aware that mantra is just a repetitive repetition of words. It doesn't affect consciousness, and only causes the chanter to fall asleep. Many other misconceptions about mantra exist due to the fact that many people don't understand the entire mechanism. It is important to clear your doubts about mantra before you begin mantra meditation.

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The doubt (1): Mantra can put you to sleep.

Fail: It is true, but only if it is used as a lullaby.

It is important to meditate with full awareness of mantra. Many people repeat mantras without fully understanding its meaning. A mantra that is repeated in a mechanical manner will not have any effect. It will just remain an ordinary word. Mantra meditation is only possible if you feel a strong emotional connection when you chant a mantra. A mantra without this emotion is nothing more than a lullaby. Remember that a mantra should be understood before you repeat it. You won't be able to get any benefit from it Online Puja Booking.

(2) The doubt: Most mantras are difficult to understand and speak a strange language.

Fact: It is true to a certain extent, but there are reasons for it.

Mantra meditation was first developed in India. This is why the majority of mantras are written in Sanskrit Language, which is also the language of Vedas, the oldest written texts in the world. Although Sanskrit Language may seem ancient and foreign to you, many mantras written in this language still retain their phonetic meanings and ability to produce powerful vibrations of sound. After years of research and hard work, all mantras have been created. They are excellent tools to help you achieve a meditative state. It is important to only focus on meditation, the process of reaching a state where you are free from choice and awareness.

[Note: Sanskrit does not represent the only language for mantra. There are specific words that relate to Sound in almost all religions. Examples include the words 'Amen' (Christianity), 'Allah Hoo’ in Islam, and 'Om Mani Padme Hum’ in Buddhist traditions. Keep in mind, however, that you must always be aware of the meaning of any mantra you use.

The doubt (3): Mantras can produce powerful sound vibrations. A mantra can be recorded on tape so that we can listen to it whenever we like for meditation. It's easy! It's so easy!

Fail: Although it seems logical, it isn't.

It seems logical to record mantra and then listen to it over and over again. It is not as simple as it seems. You will fall asleep if you record a mantra and then listen to it passively. The mantra acts as a lullaby. For anyone who is serious about mantra meditation, there are two essential requirements.

(1) The sound of the mantra

(2) The repetition of mantras with faith and full awareness.

You are a passive listener when you tape a mantra. While the sound requirement is present, awareness is missing. Even if you listen to the recorded sound with faith and full awareness, it doesn't mean that you will be able gain any benefits from this sound. It is not your faith, but the faith of someone else. If you don't chant the mantra with faith, full awareness of its meaning, and you are not able to get sound sleep,

Keep in mind that mantra must be recited with complete awareness of its meaning to reap the full benefits. We often repeat the mantra without understanding it. We think that the mantra's syllables and its object are different. This is why the mantra doesn't bear immediate results for us. This is why the mantra doesn't bear immediate fruit. Imagine being called an idiot by someone. You will not respond if you don't accept the term "idiot" being used to describe you. If you identify with it, your blood pressure may rise. You would feel the effects of God's name as quickly as you do with an abusive term.

oubt (4) - Is it possible to repeat a mantra loudly or silently?

Fact: It is not that much of a difference.

As I've already said, it is important to repeat a mantra with faith and respect, as well as full awareness of its meaning. You can do this in either silent repetition or loud pronouncing. You can either repeat the mantra silently or loudly. There is a fundamental difference between repeating a mantra loudly or silently. It comes down to the intensity of the sound that both methods produce. These vibrations can have different amounts but not their quality, and they both have the same effect upon our inner consciousness.

Doubt (5)

Fact: Don't believe it doesn't exist if you can't hear it.

Although it may seem that no sound is made, the truth is that every action and thought creates a sound. It's something that our senses cannot detect. Only 20-20kHz is the limit of human hearing. It is impossible to hear sound below or above this level. This does not necessarily mean that such sounds are not possible to hear. They exist and have an effect on us. A mantra is a silent sound that you can chant. Although we don't hear it, the sound is there and produces vibrations that affect our inner consciousness.

I trust that you have now a clearer understanding of mantra meditation.